Remove App Stories from your Facebook Timeline

The burden to control if an app can post on the Timeline falls on the shoulder of the user That’s theory, but in practice the vast majority of Facebook users don’t bother taking the time to review the app install screen.

So, they just click OK and in most cases that means giving an app in question permission to post its activities on your Timeline.

While the integration of an app with Facebook for login is convenient, doing so may occasionally come with the side-effect of letting these third-party apps drown your Timeline with notifications, which directly leads to your friends’ News Feed being bombarded by status updates.

So if you are the one  who don't want to see this on your Facebook app's timeline, just follow the below steps to remove it.

Step 1

Open up Facebook and click on the Down Arrow button  located right next to the Quick Help button.

Step 2

Select the Activity Log option from the drop down menu as shown above and click on the All Apps tab located on the Filters menu as shown below.

Step 3

To delete an app update, all you need to do is to click on the Edit button and select the Delete option. If you would prefer to stop the app from posting updates permanently, you can choose the Remove [App Name] option instead.

This way you can edit your timeline.

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