10 Time-Saving Bootstrap Examples : Bootstrap- ResponSive Design

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As Bootstrap being the most commonly used Framework for the website building, here are some examples to get you on the fast track of coding!
To use the resources just get the code from the snippet and use it in your code to build your website faster....

< 1 > Modal Form

A login pop-up used in most of the sites now a days. Use it for 'Please Login to continue.. ' 
Modal Login (Click on the image to get the code)

< 2 > Pricing Table

A stylish and attractive pricing table for your website with buttons and highlights.
Pricing table (Click on the image to get the code!)

< 3 > Timeline

Here's an example of a timeline for you. It makes the page look more attractive and looks cool!
Timeline (Click on the image to get the code)

< 4 > Sample Resume Format

A good looking resume format to showcase your awesome skills!

Resume format (Click on the image to get the code)

< 5 > Responsive Parallax Navbar Logo 

A bootstrap navigation bar example where the logo changes size on window scroll. Although this example uses bootstrap components for the layout, all the actual work is done via JavaScript, so make sure you insert that into your code.
Responsive navbar logo (Click on the image t get the code) 

< 6 > Round Progress Bar

Cool looking rounded progress for your own website. To get the code click on the image.
Round progress bar(click on the image to get the code)

< 7 > Contact Form

Contact form for your website with icons and typography which looks more attractive and make the website look nice.
Contact form ( To get the code click on the image )

< 8 > Awesome Looking Column Chart

An awesome looking column chart to represent your stats through graphical representation!
Column chart (Click on the image to get the code)

< 9 > Coupons

small coupons or advertising blocks to use on your website.
Coupons ( click on the image to get the code  )

< 10 > Quote Box

Make your website look pleasant by using such Quote-Boxes.
Quote In a Box ( Click on the image to get the code)


It's always nice to keep website more attractive and pleasant by using different front-end CSS and Bootstrap Techniques.


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