Creating our own factory method in Java
Creating our own factory method in Java Any factory method is created as a method belonging to an interface or abstract class. Hence that method is implemented, in the implementation classes or sub classes as case may be. What are factory methods ? A factory method is a method that creates and returns an object to the class to which it belongs. A single factory method replaces several constructors in the class by accepting different options from the user , while creating the object. For example, to create a factory method getFees() that will give the fees details for a course in an engineering college, we need to perform the following steps : 1> create an interface or abstract class interface Fees { double showFees(); } 2> Implement the abstract , public methods of the above interface. class CSE implements Fees { public double showFees(){ return 120000; // assumed some constant figure } } // their can be more implementa...